-- Users(0/21):21M
Peter> hi Peter> ko Peter> Anyone from India ? satya576> yes. fro India --- ? ---> Indian Peter> Hi. I am new to uva. how can i find editorial of problems like they are in other OJs? Peter> hi hhammoud> hello hhammoud> anyone here ? tomeslav> hi Peter tomeslav> UVA has no editorials, it's old school archive style tomeslav> you can find solutions in github or forums tomeslav> blogposts, wikipedia... rocketchicken> hay there yiman_a> uva is so slow nibras2002> Hello nibras2002> Is this global chat? nibras2002> pretty cool nibras2002> I like how it shows live submissions nibras2002> Makes me feel I want to solve more problems gods_hand> thanks @tomeslav normatov_d> hey R10945053> Guys! Please do not pollute server with submissions. Submit one - wait for response - submit another. Please do not submit several cases at once. Thanks! seebe> can someone help me with a dp problem ? tommy_trash> Can someone help me with 259 (r|d), oj takes ac with edge weight 1 but cp3 says to take inf. Don't know why inf is suggested ? nibras2002> Yo pydithalli> where can we check our rankings? ThePeeps191> hello kids Robber> hi Robber> why uva was sometimes out of services? Serious Noob> don't know, must be one of the mysteries of the universe tomeslav> I'd very much like to know why UVA doesn't update its C++ compiler version vipboy0402hcm> Just solving starred problems is enough or I have to do all ? ncc02> @vipboy0402hcm If you have solved lv4, lv5,.. I think there's no need to solve more problems Taalpatar_Shepai> Hi Taalpatar_Shepai> UVA should update their Website. Taalpatar_Shepai> Like LightOJ did. arafat666> is there any alternative of the icpc live archive problemset? The main site is down metaphysis> How can I contact the adminstrator of Online Judge? rene.argento> I wish I knew too. Some questions have broken I/O for years now.. metaphysis> Hi, rene.argento, I check the list of solved problems, found that you have solved the 11627 (r|d) by Java, I tried to solve it by C++ but failed. Can you give me some tips? rene.argento> Yes, that is one of the problems for which the I/O is broken. Took me 46 submissions but I found a work-around.. I can send you the details of what I did. Do you have an e-mail or some social media account I can write to? metaphysis> My email is metaphysis@yeah.net, thank you! rene.argento> Cool, I sent you all the details there metaphysis> thank you, I got AC finally. I check the accepted submission by UVA Arean. metaphysis> the details is in email rene.argento> Great, thanks! Hopefully we will find a solution to UVa-12348 and UVa-431 someday :) SpamBot> Is there an IO guide or something? SpamBot> UVa really needs an upgrade SpamBot> N SpamBot> I SpamBot> G SpamBot> E SpamBot> R yiman_a> SpamBot, fuck youy raizz> 2 Jubair_7> hii k124k3n> shalom kennyarlexy> shalom k124k3n> :'( HeNeos> pipipi codedguy> hello coders Peter> hgjh Peter> dfsf gods_hand> hi grazier> hello, i need a problem list for square root decomposition and MO algorithm, can you help me? aam.oj> Square Root Decomposition Problem List: https://codeforces.com/blog/entry/23005 aam.oj> MO's Algorithm: https://www.scaler.com/topics/data-structures/mos-algorithm/ Solitude> Hello everyone, can anybody help me with 11182 (r|d)-Zeros lll problem? With all the provided input in udebug as well as online judge forum gave me correct output but got WA 3 times raiky_sahb> hi grazier> thanks you aam.oj> Guys, what does "Lev N" mean in uHunt? SpamBot> My guess it's assumed problem difficulty level rene.argento> @Miguel Revilla nice to see you around here. Any plans to fix the I/O of some problems that are broken such as UVa-12348 and UVa-431? aam.oj> Thanks @SpamBot. Serious Noob> How to see/find out problem level?? k124k3n> sleep Fysics> ? kabid241> প্রিয় সুধী, পরম করুণাময় ও অসীম দয়ালু মহান আল্লাহ তা'আলার অশেষ রহমতে আগামী ১০ মার্চ রোজ শুক্রবার আমার বন্ধু সামিউল ইসলাম মুগ্ধ এর বড় বোনের শুভ বিবাহ অনুষ্ঠিত হইবে। আপনারা সপরিবারে আমন্ত্রতিত। প্রীতিভোজঃ বাদ জুমাহ দুপুর ২ টা । বিদ্রঃ দোয়া ও উপহার উভয়ই কাম্য nayeem2021> @Kabid241 ঠিকানা দেন ভাই। Luis_XIV> manoel mama Luis_XIV> luig0 kabid241> . kabid241> .. dionxj8> oj died? Luis_XIV> MANOEL MAMA MUITO Peter> Why so long judge queue??? Peter> Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a heartache Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a mistake Tell me why I never wanna hear you say I want it that way Peter> I cannot even understand the statement. Peter> You have a long drive by car ahead. You have a tape recorder, but unfortunately your best music is on CDs. You need to have it on tapes so the problem to solve is: you have a tape N minutes long. How to choose tracks from CD to get most out of lumid> hi SpamBot> Also links are fucking buck broken SpamBot> https://onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&category=24&page=show_problem&problem=565 jessuar_Hoyos> Holo Gadiel Solís> .
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uHunt hunt problems that matter |
uHunt is a complementary tool for UVa online-judge that keeps statistics, provide selections of problems to solve, and exposes a web API for other web developers to build upon it. See a brief history of uHunt.
To submit your solution, use UVa Quick Submit.
Show : 5 | 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 Live Submissions (hide) | |||||||||
# | Problem Title | User (username) | Verdict | Lang | Time | Best | Rank | Submit Time | |
30087074 | 382 | discuss Perfection | ting (TingLin) | Accepted | ANSI C | 0.000 | 0.000 | 7153 | 4 secs ago |
30087073 | 315 | discuss Network | 赵子龙 (vjudge3) | Wrong answer | C++11 | - | 0.000 | - | 6 secs ago |
30087072 | 10192 | discuss Vacation | 赵子龙 (vjudge3) | PresentationE | C++11 | - | 0.000 | - | 40 secs ago |
30087071 | 1591 | discuss Data Mining | Richard Xu (damocris) | Time limit | C++11 | - | 0.000 | - | 53 secs ago |
30087070 | 10079 | discuss Pizza Cutting | 贾跃亭 (vjudge10) | Wrong answer | ANSI C | - | 0.000 | - | 1 mins ago |
Show : 5 | 10 | 50 | 100 | 500 | ALL Last Submissions | ||||||
Problem | Verdict | Lang | Time | Best | Rank | Submit Time |
discuss 10127 - Ones | Accepted | Python | 0.030 | 0.000 | 10167 | 2023-11-21 06:32 |
discuss 10783 - Odd Sum | Accepted | Python | 0.010 | 0.000 | 24309 | 2023-11-21 06:32 |
discuss 10110 - Light, more light | Accepted | Python | 1.110 | 0.000 | 21020 | 2023-11-21 06:32 |
discuss 11559 - Event Planning | Accepted | Python | 0.020 | 0.000 | 12534 | 2023-11-21 06:31 |
discuss 612 - DNA Sorting | Compile error | Java | - | 0.000 | - | 2023-11-21 06:27 |
Solved : 32, Submissions : 63
FB Page |
Info |
4th Edition (switch to: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th ) | ||||||||||
Book Chapters | Starred ★ | ALL | ||||||||
1. Introduction |
2. Data Structures and Libraries |
3. Problem Solving Paradigms |
4. Graph |
5. Mathematics |
6. String Processing |
7. (Computational) Geometry |
8. More Advanced Topics |
9. Rare Topics |
Steven Halim and I published the Competitive Programming book which is targetted to help regular computer science students to quickly get up and running for the ACM ICPC as well as IOI. The book discusses the types of problems that are frequently occurs in programming contests. The exercises have been integrated to this uHunt tool so that you can keep track of your progress. To get started, select a chapter from the table on the right. Each chapter has starred problems (i.e., a must try problem). Happy solving :)
You can view your unsolved/solved problems, sort them, filter by volume, etc. If you just want to solve as many problems as quickly as possible, it's convinient to pick problems according to the dacu (distinct accepted users) in descending order. The bigger the dacu the easier the problem should be and the more probable it will appear in the UVa discussion board.
Below is the Author Ranklist (it is a bit different in the sorting order: ac, nos instead of ac, tried, nos). The additional columns: "2d, 7d, 31d" represents the number of (distinct) solved problems in the past 2 days, 7 days, 31 days.
World Ranklist Show: above [ 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 ]; below [ 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 ] | |||||||||
Rank | Name | Username | AC | Subs | 2d | 7d | 31d | 3m | 1y |
41824 | DHRUBA DAS | Dhruba98 | 32 | 62 | - | - | - | - | - |
41825 | XueSheng | XueSheng | 32 | 62 | - | - | - | - | - |
41826 | Rob Heatherly | HeatherlyRobert | 32 | 63 | - | - | - | - | - |
41827 | TC ARG 19 | tcarg19 | 32 | 63 | - | - | - | - | - |
41828 | Joe | grayson773 | 32 | 63 | - | - | - | - | - |
41829 | Jeff Li | jeffli | 32 | 63 | - | - | - | - | 5 |
41830 | Jeff | jeff999955 | 32 | 63 | - | - | - | - | - |
41831 | siddharth kashyap | Skush | 32 | 63 | - | - | - | - | - |
41832 | Azharul islam | Sajeeb34 | 32 | 63 | - | - | - | - | - |
41833 | 戴煜东 | 科普迪德 | 32 | 63 | - | - | - | - | - |
41834 | Jack Legnon | Jlegnon123 | 32 | 63 | - | - | - | - | - |
41835 | 王翊嘉 | LeoWang40 | 32 | 63 | - | - | - | 27 | 32 |
41836 | Kuan-Lin Yeh | ZeroYeh | 32 | 64 | - | - | - | - | - |
41837 | Yu Si | Alancs | 32 | 64 | - | - | - | - | - |
41838 | south | BackToEarth | 32 | 64 | - | - | - | - | - |
41839 | Warida Rashid | WRashid | 32 | 64 | - | - | - | - | - |
41840 | Mark Allen Agaton | madca03 | 32 | 64 | - | - | - | - | - |
41841 | Zahid Hasan Joy | Zahid Hasan Joy | 32 | 64 | - | - | - | - | - |
41842 | KAZI SALAY MAHMUD DIPTA | DIPTA SUST | 32 | 64 | - | - | - | - | - |
41843 | Yigit Hatipoglu | yigit00 | 32 | 64 | - | - | - | - | - |
41844 | xuyaohai | yaohaixu2 | 32 | 64 | - | - | - | - | - |
It is good to have partners (or rivals) in any competitions. Rivals can give you strong motivations to improve yourself. One of the motivations can be: "to solve any problem that your rivals solves, just to stay ahead from your rivals :)".
Using set manipulations you can merge your statistics with your partners and compare it with other groups of rivals :D interesting, isn't it? See the following examples. Later on, the variables A,B,C,D,E should be replaced by the usernames of the users.
The available operators are: union +, subtraction -, intersection &, and brackets ( ) to force operator precedence.
I have published a Web API for acquiring real-time UVa statistics. Please subscribe to uhunt-api mailing list to receive updates and discuss about the API. You are free to use the API to build your own statistical tools. Let me know if you have build a great tool based on this API. I will add your tool to the list below:
uHunt Web API Change Log:
It is important to measure your performance under contest settings. If you want to solve 5 problems in 3 hours, this tool can help you to measure it. First, pick (using the problem picker) a set of unsolved problems (categorized by the difficulty levels). Then set the start date and duration and create a virtual contest using the following generator. If you want compete against shadow contestants from the past UVa contests, you can click the past contests and select from one of the past UVa contests. The link to the virtual contest will appear after you generate it (only people that know the link are able to view it).
Contestants UVa IDs | |
UVa Problem Numbers | Problem Picker | Past Contests |
Contest Date and Duration | hh:mm Duration (suffix: h=hours, d=days, w=week) |